package nl.gertontenham.magnolia.templating.rendering.components; import info.magnolia.dam.api.Asset; import info.magnolia.dam.templating.functions.DamTemplatingFunctions; import info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil; import info.magnolia.rendering.model.RenderingModel; import info.magnolia.rendering.template.RenderableDefinition; import info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants; import info.magnolia.util.EscapeUtil; import nl.gertontenham.magnolia.templating.functions.FoundationTemplatingFunctions; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; /** * Created by gtenham on 2015-08-28. */ public class LinkModel<RD extends RenderableDefinition> extends BaseComponentRenderableDefinition<RD> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LinkModel.class); public static final String INTERNAL = "internal"; public static final String EXTERNAL = "external"; public static final String DOWNLOAD = "download"; public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_LINK_TYPE = "linkType"; public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_TITLE = "title"; public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_INTERNAL = PROPERTY_NAME_LINK_TYPE + INTERNAL; public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_EXTERNAL = PROPERTY_NAME_LINK_TYPE + EXTERNAL; public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_DOWNLOAD = PROPERTY_NAME_LINK_TYPE + DOWNLOAD; private final DamTemplatingFunctions damTemplatingFunctions; @Inject public LinkModel(Node content, RD definition, RenderingModel<?> parent, FoundationTemplatingFunctions templatingFunctions, DamTemplatingFunctions damTemplatingFunctions) { super(content, definition, parent, templatingFunctions); this.damTemplatingFunctions = damTemplatingFunctions; } /** * Returns the type of the link, {@link #INTERNAL}, {@link #EXTERNAL} or {@link #DOWNLOAD}. */ public String getLinkType() { return PropertyUtil.getString(content, PROPERTY_NAME_LINK_TYPE, ""); } /** * Checks whether the link is an {@link #INTERNAL} link. */ public boolean isInternal() { return INTERNAL.equals(getLinkType()); } /** * Checks whether the link is an {@link #EXTERNAL} link. */ public boolean isExternal() { return EXTERNAL.equals(getLinkType()); } /** * Checks whether the link is a {@link #DOWNLOAD} link. */ public boolean isDownload() { return DOWNLOAD.equals(getLinkType()); } /** * Get the title for the link based on the link type. * * @see #getLinkType() */ public String getTitle() { if (isInternal()) { return getInternalTitle(); } else if (isDownload()) { return getDownloadTitle(); } else if (isExternal()) { return getExternalTitle(); } return ""; } /** * Get the download title by trying to determine the title of the {@link info.magnolia.dam.api.Asset}. */ protected String getDownloadTitle() { String title = PropertyUtil.getString(content, PROPERTY_NAME_TITLE); if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { final Asset asset = getAsset(); if (asset != null) { title = asset.getTitle(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { title = asset.getFileName(); } } } return title; } /** * Get the title for an internal link by returning the first of the following items that are available * <ul> * <li>The title field of the component</li> * <li>The title of the referenced page</li> * <li>The node name of the referenced page</li> * </ul>. */ protected String getInternalTitle() { final String title = PropertyUtil.getString(content, PROPERTY_NAME_TITLE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title)) { return title; } try { final Node linkedNode = templatingFunctions.contentByReference(content, PROPERTY_NAME_INTERNAL, RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE); final String pageTitle = PropertyUtil.getString(linkedNode, PROPERTY_NAME_TITLE, ""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pageTitle)) { return pageTitle; } return linkedNode.getName(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { log.warn("An error occurred when trying to get referenced content for node [{}] and property [{}]", content, PROPERTY_NAME_INTERNAL, e); } return ""; } /** * Get the title for an external link. * * @see info.magnolia.templating.functions.TemplatingFunctions#externalLinkTitle(Node, String, String) */ protected String getExternalTitle() { final String title = templatingFunctions.externalLinkTitle(content, PROPERTY_NAME_EXTERNAL, PROPERTY_NAME_TITLE); return EscapeUtil.escapeXss(title); } /** * Get the url for the link based on the linkType. */ public String getLink() { if (isInternal()) { return getInternalLink(); } else if (isDownload()) { return getDownloadLink(); } else if (isExternal()) { return getExternalLink(); } return ""; } /** * Get the internal link by using the stored identifier to resolve the referenced {@link Node} and linking to it. * Limited to workspace {@link RepositoryConstants#WEBSITE} only. * * @see info.magnolia.templating.functions.TemplatingFunctions#link(String, String) */ protected String getInternalLink() { return, PropertyUtil.getString(content, PROPERTY_NAME_INTERNAL)); } /** * Get the external link. Anchors starting with <code>#</code> are returned as is. * * @see info.magnolia.templating.functions.TemplatingFunctions#externalLink(Node, String) */ protected String getExternalLink() { final String linkRaw = PropertyUtil.getString(content, PROPERTY_NAME_EXTERNAL); if (StringUtils.startsWith(linkRaw, "#")) { return EscapeUtil.escapeXss(linkRaw); } final String link = templatingFunctions.externalLink(content, PROPERTY_NAME_EXTERNAL); return EscapeUtil.escapeXss(link); } /** * Get the link to a downloadable {@link Asset}. * * @see #getAsset() */ protected String getDownloadLink() { final Asset asset = getAsset(); if (asset != null) { return asset.getLink(); } return null; } /** * Retrieve the Asset referenced by the identifier stored into the 'link' * properties. */ public Asset getAsset() { final String assetIdentifier = PropertyUtil.getString(content, PROPERTY_NAME_DOWNLOAD); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(assetIdentifier)) { return damTemplatingFunctions.getAsset(assetIdentifier); } return null; } }